Sunday, 31 October 2010

roti loaf kosong

Simple White Loaf
(A) Starter :
220g Bread Flour
3g instant yeast
130g water

(B) Main Dough :
60g Bread Flour
15g caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
10g milk powder
40g water

(C) 15g butter

Method :
1. Mix starter ingredients together to form a dough, use low speed if you’re using a mixer.
2. Cover starter dough with cling wrap and leave it to ferment for 90 mins.
3. You should see small air holes on the dough when it’s ready.
4. Put starter dough and main dough ingredients in mixer to mix. Start with slow speed and increase to medium speed. Continue kneading till dough look smooth.
5. Add in butter using slow speed. Continue kneading process till dough pass window pane test and is not sticky.
6. Cover dough with cling wrap and leave it for 1st proofing for 60 mins.
7. Separate dough into 3 portions, leave it to rest for 10 mins (cover with cling wrap).
8. Roll dough to height of 20cm and wide 10cm. Roll up the dough and place inside loaf tin, always start by putting the dough in the middle followed by the sides.
9. Leave dough to proof in tin for 50 mins or about 90% filled
10. Bake at 190 degrees for 30 mins.
11. Remove bread from loaf tin immediately and leave it to cool completely before slicing.

Note :
- You should be able to get a 490g dough.
- If you’re not able to remove the lid when the baking time is up, it mean the bread is not completely bake, give another 3 mins of baking or till you could remove the lid.
- The bread remain soft and fluffy the next day too

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